Dr. Kendall McKenzie
Greetings. This edition of The E.D. Dispatch points out some great accomplishments of current and former members of the UMMC Department of Emergency Medicine. Especially impressive is Jimmy Kolb’s 28-year career here. While planning for his imminent retirement, we asked him to provide us his insights regarding the changes he's witnessed through the years, and his thoughts about the current state of emergency medicine. We thank him for doing this. More importantly, we thank him for his tireless dedication all these years to this department, our institution, and the field of emergency medicine. Also highly notable in this edition is the list of incoming residents. Unlike many EM residency programs across the country this year, UMMC filled its incoming class. Congratulations to our EM residency program team. This required a lot of hard work on their end… and their efforts paid off. Please enjoy the included stories… and shoot Jimmy an email if you have a minute (jkolb@umc.edu). He’d love to hear from you.